Monday, July 11, 2016

      I love Apostle Paul because in all of his Christian life, he looked at things on earth from God’s point of view. Because of this, he was never upset by the things behind him, around him, or before him. He never allowed "things or people" to rob him of his joy! He only cared about God's opinion. Never allow anyone or anything to rob you of your joy. Don't let the things behind you, around you or before you upset you and hinder your Blessings. Satan will use people to cause you to miss out on a great opportunity just by tormenting, provoking or upsetting you. Those people are side attractions Satan uses to derail you from the narrow road to God. I have learned never to dignify those side attractions with a response or reaction, because by responding to them, you are making them feel important, allowing them to distract you from your walk with God.
      Learn to ignore the side attractions.
      Hebrews 12:2 says; "We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith"

      Be prayerful and God will give you the grace to do without the "side attractions".
      Caution: Satan is a very sour loser. So please expect him to keep trying. But don't let your guard down. #BePrayerful
      Keep your eyes on God. Don't get distracted by Satan and his cohorts. 
      Don't let anyone steal your joy. 
      Be like Paul and start seeing things from God’s point of view. 
      Ignore side attractions and focus on God alone.
      Remain blessed my friends!

            By Evangelist Naomi Antwi

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