Monday, November 14, 2016

    Bible says we are to do our best to live in peace with everyone. God knows in order for peace to continously reign, it sometimes requires a two-way street. There are people who depends on creating "war in other people's lives" in order for them to be happy - making it difficult to live in peace with them. That's why Bible carefully used these two KEY sentences: "IF it is possible" and "As far as it DEPENDS on YOU" (Romans 12:18)
    "Peace" begins with Fogiveness. We all know fo...rgiveness is almost an impossible stand to take depending on the offense. But we must also understand that "unforgiveness" is like drinking poison and expecting the other person who offended you will die. We must let go of anger and vengeance if we want to see God's blessings. When you hold onto anger long enough it destroys you. Anger and unforgiveness Blocks your blessings and hinders your relationship with God. It doesn't matter what someone did to you. It doesn't matter how badly they hurt you. You must forgive that person: Not for them - but for you. I'm not saying forgiveness is easy. On the contrary: it's extremely difficult. But it's mandatory for a Christian. I urge you to go on your knees and ask God for Strength, grace and a forgiving Spirit.
    Matthew 6:14-15 says "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."

    #Forgive even if they are not remorseful.
    #Forgive even if they don't apologize.
    #Forgive even if they continue to do it.
    #Forgive - But LEARN from that experience so that you will not find yourself in that same predicament ever again in the future.
    #Forgive and in some cases, love them from far. Don't hold grudges and don't wish them evil. Pray for them. Let God handle them. Life is too short to waste it on anger and misery. Serve God wholeheartedly, love everyone and have fun! May God continue to bless you.
    ***Happy New week my friends! ***
    By Evangelist Naomi Antwi

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